TLS was last updated
on March 27, 2024.

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Team Scouting Report
(As Of 03/26/2024)
Section - Texas
Area - San Antonio
League - 2022 18 & Over Fall Weekday Women - NA
Flight - 3.0 Monday
Fair Oaks Comin' in Hot
League Record: 6 - 4
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
JESSICA sills - 3.34
Stephanie Asfeld - 2.94
Miranda Hoffpauir - 2.84
Dianne Wells - 2.74
Martha Cuellar - 2.73
Amy Carson - 2.73
Nicole Gallegos - 2.72
Sheila Wilson - 2.71
natalie samson - 2.51
Kay Rodgers - 2.50
Lauren Johnson - 2.48
Tonya Freeman - 2.46
Lisha Barton - 2.39
Monica Slaydon - 2.36
Alexis Weigand - n/a
League Results By Position
1S 2S 1D 2D 3D
Kay Rodgers - 2.50 & CHARLOTTE GARZA - 2.59 1 - 0
Kay Rodgers - 2.50 & Martha Cuellar - 2.73 1 - 1
Amy Carson - 2.73 & JESSICA sills - 3.34 1 - 0
Amy Carson - 2.73 & Martha Cuellar - 2.73 1 - 0
Alexis Weigand - n/a 0 - 2
Nicole Gallegos - 2.72 1 - 0
Miranda Hoffpauir - 2.84 3 - 3
CHARLOTTE GARZA - 2.59 & Martha Cuellar - 2.73 1 - 0
Stephanie Asfeld - 2.94 & JESSICA sills - 3.34 2 - 0
Stephanie Asfeld - 2.94 & Martha Cuellar - 2.73 1 - 0
Stephanie Asfeld - 2.94 & APRIL ANCIRA - 2.97 0 - 1
Stephanie Asfeld - 2.94 1 - 0
JESSICA sills - 3.34 & Martha Cuellar - 2.73 1 - 0
Martha Cuellar - 2.73 & Lisha Barton - 2.39 1 - 0
Lisha Barton - 2.39 & natalie samson - 2.51 0 - 1
Lisha Barton - 2.39 & Lauren Johnson - 2.48 1 - 1
Lisha Barton - 2.39 0 - 2
Tonya Freeman - 2.46 1 - 2
Monica Slaydon - 2.36 & natalie samson - 2.51 1 - 1
Monica Slaydon - 2.36 & APRIL ANCIRA - 2.97 1 - 0
natalie samson - 2.51 & Lauren Johnson - 2.48 0 - 1
APRIL ANCIRA - 2.97 1 - 1
Sheila Wilson - 2.71 & Kay Rodgers - 2.50 1 - 1
Sheila Wilson - 2.71 & CHARLOTTE GARZA - 2.59 1 - 0 1 - 0
Sheila Wilson - 2.71 & Stephanie Asfeld - 2.94 0 - 1
Sheila Wilson - 2.71 & Martha Cuellar - 2.73 0 - 1
Dianne Wells - 2.74 & Amy Carson - 2.73 0 - 1
Dianne Wells - 2.74 & Nicole Gallegos - 2.72 0 - 1
Dianne Wells - 2.74 & Stephanie Asfeld - 2.94 0 - 1
Sonterra Spitfires
League Record: 5 - 4
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Sarah LEE - 3.15
Jeannette McClure - 2.95
Rose Stawick - 2.85
Margaret Marble - 2.83
Gretchen Sherman - 2.71
Melissa Woolard - 2.67
Kelli Grant - 2.65
Lisa Koxlien - 2.60
Kim Bergeron - 2.60
Cheryl Robinson - 2.58
Susan Hennessey - 2.56
Kelley Higgs - 2.53
Jessica Sugg - 2.48
Julie Regan - 2.46
Sharon Flinn - 2.40
Suzanne Stricker - 2.20
League Results By Position
1S 2S 1D 2D 3D
Susan Hennessey - 2.56 & Lisa Koxlien - 2.60 0 - 1
Susan Hennessey - 2.56 & Kelley Higgs - 2.53 1 - 0
Susan Hennessey - 2.56 & Sarah LEE - 3.15 1 - 0 2 - 0 1 - 0
Lisa Koxlien - 2.60 & Rose Stawick - 2.85 1 - 0 1 - 0
Lisa Koxlien - 2.60 & Jeannette McClure - 2.95 0 - 1
Lisa Koxlien - 2.60 0 - 1
Margaret Marble - 2.83 & Sarah LEE - 3.15 3 - 0
Margaret Marble - 2.83 1 - 0
Julie Regan - 2.46 & Kelley Higgs - 2.53 0 - 1
Julie Regan - 2.46 & Jessica Sugg - 2.48 1 - 0
Rose Stawick - 2.85 & Jeannette McClure - 2.95 1 - 1 2 - 0
Cheryl Robinson - 2.58 & Suzanne Stricker - 2.20 2 - 0
Melissa Woolard - 2.67 0 - 1 0 - 1
Gretchen Sherman - 2.71 3 - 1 0 - 1
Kim Bergeron - 2.60 0 - 2 2 - 2
Kelli Grant - 2.65 & Susan Hennessey - 2.56 1 - 0
Kelli Grant - 2.65 & Sharon Flinn - 2.40 0 - 1 1 - 0
Kelli Grant - 2.65 & Rose Stawick - 2.85 1 - 0 0 - 1
Alamo Heights Get a Grip
League Record: 6 - 4
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Katie Markoff-Case - 3.23
Bonnie Tompsett - 3.21
Kristan Welch - 3.16
Sara Stringfellow - 3.15
Darcy Hoberman - 2.94
Jennifer Jones - 2.85
Katie Toppin - 2.70
Miranda Sutin - 2.64
Jenni Stupka - 2.64
Kristin Stanley - 2.56
Adrienne Guido - 2.45
Solange Iriarte - n/a
Lauren Ahrens - n/a
Allison Sethney - n/a
League Results By Position
1S 2S 1D 2D 3D
Adrienne Guido - 2.45 & Miranda Sutin - 2.64 0 - 1
Adrienne Guido - 2.45 & Kristin Stanley - 2.56 1 - 1
Adrienne Guido - 2.45 & Katie Toppin - 2.70 0 - 1
Sara Stringfellow - 3.15 & Kristan Welch - 3.16 1 - 0 1 - 0
Sara Stringfellow - 3.15 & Bonnie Tompsett - 3.21 1 - 0
Sara Stringfellow - 3.15 1 - 0 0 - 1
Jennifer Jones - 2.85 & Kristan Welch - 3.16 1 - 0
Jennifer Jones - 2.85 & Jenni Stupka - 2.64 1 - 0
Jennifer Jones - 2.85 1 - 0
Miranda Sutin - 2.64 & Kristin Stanley - 2.56 1 - 0
Miranda Sutin - 2.64 & Bonnie Tompsett - 3.21 1 - 0 2 - 0
Miranda Sutin - 2.64 & Jenni Stupka - 2.64 0 - 1
Miranda Sutin - 2.64 & Katie Toppin - 2.70 0 - 1
Miranda Sutin - 2.64 & Lauren Ahrens - n/a 0 - 1
Allison Sethney - n/a & Kristin Stanley - 2.56 0 - 1
Darcy Hoberman - 2.94 & Katie Markoff-Case - 3.23 1 - 0
Darcy Hoberman - 2.94 & Katie Toppin - 2.70 1 - 0
Darcy Hoberman - 2.94 5 - 2
Katie Markoff-Case - 3.23 & Kristan Welch - 3.16 2 - 0
Katie Markoff-Case - 3.23 & Bonnie Tompsett - 3.21 1 - 0
Katie Markoff-Case - 3.23 1 - 0
Kristan Welch - 3.16 & Bonnie Tompsett - 3.21 1 - 0
Kristin Stanley - 2.56 & Bonnie Tompsett - 3.21 0 - 1
Kristin Stanley - 2.56 & Solange Iriarte - n/a 0 - 1
Bonnie Tompsett - 3.21 & Katie Toppin - 2.70 0 - 1
Jenni Stupka - 2.64 & Katie Toppin - 2.70 1 - 0
Katie Toppin - 2.70 1 - 0 2 - 1
Lauren Ahrens - n/a 0 - 1
Northside Net Force
League Record: 2 - 8
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Catherine Brown - 2.82
Emily Knowles - 2.81
Alison Dearden - 2.74
Angela McClung - 2.66
Elizabeth Owens - 2.56
Sherri Stewart - 2.51
Judy Cooper - 2.51
Ellen Hall - 2.51
Ai Holwick - 2.41
Emelia Carpenter - 2.26
Carol Johns - 2.17
Michelle Loredo - 2.02
Annie McGuire - n/a
League Results By Position
1S 2S 1D 2D 3D
Sherri Stewart - 2.51 & Angela McClung - 2.66 0 - 1 1 - 0
Sherri Stewart - 2.51 & Elizabeth Owens - 2.56 0 - 1
Sherri Stewart - 2.51 & Michelle Loredo - 2.02 0 - 1
Sherri Stewart - 2.51 & Alison Dearden - 2.74 0 - 1
Angela McClung - 2.66 & Elizabeth Owens - 2.56 0 - 1
Angela McClung - 2.66 & Catherine Brown - 2.82 1 - 0
Elizabeth Owens - 2.56 & Catherine Brown - 2.82 1 - 0
Elizabeth Owens - 2.56 & Emily Knowles - 2.81 0 - 1
Elizabeth Owens - 2.56 & Michelle Loredo - 2.02 0 - 1 0 - 1
Elizabeth Owens - 2.56 & Alison Dearden - 2.74 2 - 0 1 - 0
Catherine Brown - 2.82 & Emily Knowles - 2.81 3 - 1 1 - 0
Catherine Brown - 2.82 0 - 1
Emily Knowles - 2.81 2 - 2
Carol Johns - 2.17 & Emelia Carpenter - 2.26 0 - 1
Michelle Loredo - 2.02 & Emelia Carpenter - 2.26 0 - 2
Ai Holwick - 2.41 0 - 4 0 - 3
Emelia Carpenter - 2.26 & Annie McGuire - n/a 0 - 1
Emelia Carpenter - 2.26 0 - 2
Alison Dearden - 2.74 1 - 0
Judy Cooper - 2.51 & Sherri Stewart - 2.51 1 - 2
Judy Cooper - 2.51 & Alison Dearden - 2.74 1 - 0
Ellen Hall - 2.51 & Angela McClung - 2.66 0 - 1
Ellen Hall - 2.51 & Carol Johns - 2.17 0 - 1
Ellen Hall - 2.51 & Alison Dearden - 2.74 0 - 1
Ellen Hall - 2.51 0 - 2 0 - 1
Shavano Tennis Junkies
League Record: 0 - 10
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Lucy Novak - 2.74
Lorie Willis - 2.74
Kay Radla - 2.69
Denise Barrett - 2.68
Carol Covert - 2.66
Doreen Amft - 2.62
Karen Gauthier - 2.61
Lori Castellaw - 2.53
Dianne Moe - 2.53
Mary Stefl - 2.52
Linda Gibson - 2.51
Sunny Blanco - 2.50
Courtney Newman - 2.21
Ines Santos - n/a
League Results By Position
1S 2S 1D 2D 3D
Mary Stefl - 2.52 & Kay Radla - 2.69 1 - 0
Mary Stefl - 2.52 & Doreen Amft - 2.62 0 - 1
Mary Stefl - 2.52 & Karen Gauthier - 2.61 0 - 1
Sunny Blanco - 2.50 & Lucy Novak - 2.74 2 - 1 0 - 1
Sunny Blanco - 2.50 & Denise Barrett - 2.68 1 - 0
Sunny Blanco - 2.50 0 - 2 1 - 1
Kay Radla - 2.69 & Lucy Novak - 2.74 0 - 2
Kay Radla - 2.69 & Lorie Willis - 2.74 1 - 0
Kay Radla - 2.69 & Denise Barrett - 2.68 0 - 1
Carol Covert - 2.66 1 - 2 0 - 2
Doreen Amft - 2.62 0 - 1 0 - 1
Lucy Novak - 2.74 0 - 2
Lorie Willis - 2.74 & Karen Gauthier - 2.61 0 - 1
Ines Santos - n/a & Courtney Newman - 2.21 0 - 1
Lori Castellaw - 2.53 & Karen Gauthier - 2.61 0 - 1
Lori Castellaw - 2.53 0 - 1
Courtney Newman - 2.21 & Karen Gauthier - 2.61 0 - 1
Courtney Newman - 2.21 0 - 1 0 - 1
Karen Gauthier - 2.61 1 - 2
Dianne Moe - 2.53 & Denise Barrett - 2.68 0 - 2
Dianne Moe - 2.53 & Lori Castellaw - 2.53 0 - 1
Dianne Moe - 2.53 & Courtney Newman - 2.21 0 - 1
Dianne Moe - 2.53 & Linda Gibson - 2.51 0 - 1 0 - 1
Linda Gibson - 2.51 & Kay Radla - 2.69 1 - 1
Linda Gibson - 2.51 & Lorie Willis - 2.74 0 - 1 1 - 0
Linda Gibson - 2.51 & Denise Barrett - 2.68 1 - 0
Sonterra Hot Shots
League Record: 10 - 1
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Melinda Condos - 3.22
Catherine Bain - 3.13
Paula Aguilar Carranca - 3.03
Alison Bagley - 3.02
Pegah Naini - 2.93
Mariela Ybarra - 2.89
Fernanda Testas - 2.82
Michelle Ottmers - 2.80
Nora Espinoza - 2.77
Teletha Garcia - 2.73
Tanya Power - 2.70
Esther Paddock - 2.70
Lisa Womack - 2.69
Adela Gonzalez - 2.63
Mariana Reynoso - 2.62
Isamara Taylor - 2.60
Delaina Harrison - 2.51
League Results By Position
1S 2S 1D 2D 3D
Lisa Womack - 2.69 & Teletha Garcia - 2.73 1 - 0
Lisa Womack - 2.69 & Michelle Ottmers - 2.80 1 - 0
Lisa Womack - 2.69 0 - 1 2 - 0
Esther Paddock - 2.70 & Melinda Condos - 3.22 1 - 0
Esther Paddock - 2.70 & Michelle Ottmers - 2.80 0 - 1
Mariela Ybarra - 2.89 & Nora Espinoza - 2.77 0 - 1 2 - 2
Mariela Ybarra - 2.89 & Teletha Garcia - 2.73 1 - 0
Mariela Ybarra - 2.89 & Alison Bagley - 3.02 1 - 0
Fernanda Testas - 2.82 & Catherine Bain - 3.13 1 - 2
Fernanda Testas - 2.82 0 - 1
Catherine Bain - 3.13 & Melinda Condos - 3.22 1 - 0
Isamara Taylor - 2.60 & Mariana Reynoso - 2.62 1 - 1 1 - 1 2 - 1
Pegah Naini - 2.93 & Tanya Power - 2.70 1 - 0
Pegah Naini - 2.93 1 - 0
Nora Espinoza - 2.77 & Tanya Power - 2.70 1 - 0
Adela Gonzalez - 2.63 & Michelle Ottmers - 2.80 1 - 0
Adela Gonzalez - 2.63 1 - 0 0 - 1
Delaina Harrison - 2.51 0 - 1 2 - 0
Paula Aguilar Carranca - 3.03 4 - 1 1 - 0
Teletha Garcia - 2.73 & Melinda Condos - 3.22 1 - 0
Teletha Garcia - 2.73 & Tanya Power - 2.70 0 - 1
Melinda Condos - 3.22 & Alison Bagley - 3.02 1 - 0
Tanya Power - 2.70 & Michelle Ottmers - 2.80 2 - 0
Alison Bagley - 3.02 & Michelle Ottmers - 2.80 1 - 0 1 - 0
Alison Bagley - 3.02 1 - 0 1 - 0
SACC MCC Fall 2022
League Record: 5 - 6
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Hannah Bakke - 2.88
Amanda Sykes - 2.86
Julia Anderson - 2.83
Betty Lansdale - 2.78
Katie Fravell - 2.70
Jenny Crone - 2.69
ashley jenne - 2.57
Valerie Ziegler - 2.53
Lisa Carrington - 2.52
Lilly Gretzinger - 2.48
Tara Shaffer - 2.46
Sandra Stokes - 2.46
Elizabeth Reblin - 2.46
Kristen Bragg - 2.45
Sally Blecher - 2.43
Emilie Baine - 2.33
Lisa Wolff - 2.27
Elizabeth Jeffers - 2.19
League Results By Position
1S 2S 1D 2D 3D
Lisa Wolff - 2.27 & Emilie Baine - 2.33 0 - 1
Lisa Wolff - 2.27 & Sally Blecher - 2.43 0 - 1
Betty Lansdale - 2.78 & Lisa Carrington - 2.52 0 - 1
Betty Lansdale - 2.78 & Elizabeth Reblin - 2.46 0 - 1
Betty Lansdale - 2.78 & Julia Anderson - 2.83 2 - 0
Jenny Crone - 2.69 & Elizabeth Jeffers - 2.19 0 - 1
Jenny Crone - 2.69 0 - 1 3 - 2
Lisa Carrington - 2.52 & Tara Shaffer - 2.46 2 - 0
Lisa Carrington - 2.52 & Kristen Bragg - 2.45 0 - 1
Lisa Carrington - 2.52 & Lilly Gretzinger - 2.48 0 - 1
Lisa Carrington - 2.52 & Katie Fravell - 2.70 0 - 1
Tara Shaffer - 2.46 & Sally Blecher - 2.43 0 - 1
Tara Shaffer - 2.46 & Lilly Gretzinger - 2.48 0 - 1
Tara Shaffer - 2.46 & Elizabeth Reblin - 2.46 0 - 1
Tara Shaffer - 2.46 & Valerie Ziegler - 2.53 0 - 1
Emilie Baine - 2.33 & Sandra Stokes - 2.46 1 - 0
Kristen Bragg - 2.45 & Valerie Ziegler - 2.53 0 - 1
Kristen Bragg - 2.45 & ashley jenne - 2.57 0 - 1
Sandra Stokes - 2.46 & Lilly Gretzinger - 2.48 1 - 1
Sandra Stokes - 2.46 & Elizabeth Reblin - 2.46 0 - 1
Sandra Stokes - 2.46 & Katie Fravell - 2.70 0 - 1
Sally Blecher - 2.43 & Valerie Ziegler - 2.53 0 - 1
Sally Blecher - 2.43 & Elizabeth Jeffers - 2.19 0 - 1
Elizabeth Reblin - 2.46 & Valerie Ziegler - 2.53 1 - 0
Elizabeth Reblin - 2.46 & Julia Anderson - 2.83 0 - 1
Elizabeth Reblin - 2.46 & Katie Fravell - 2.70 0 - 1
Valerie Ziegler - 2.53 & Elizabeth Jeffers - 2.19 0 - 1
Valerie Ziegler - 2.53 & ashley jenne - 2.57 0 - 1
Amanda Sykes - 2.86 5 - 1 2 - 0
ashley jenne - 2.57 & Katie Fravell - 2.70 1 - 0
Katie Fravell - 2.70 0 - 1
Hannah Bakke - 2.88 4 - 0 2 - 0
SACC Set Ups
League Record: 7 - 3
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Whitney Ormond - 3.22
Annabelle Thaddeus - 3.20
Avril Byrne - 3.00
Suzie Bacon - 2.94
Julie Zacher - 2.94
Laura Wallace - 2.91
Amelita Mauze - 2.88
Kristal Taber - 2.85
Catherine Hornberger - 2.82
Erin Spalten - 2.79
Clare Duffin - 2.79
Kasey Oden - 2.77
Scotty Macdaniel - 2.76
Victoria Spielhagen - 2.71
Ceci Goldstone - 2.71
Laura Johnson - 2.67
Sarah Owens - 2.41
Dawn Gorman - 2.23
League Results By Position
1S 2S 1D 2D 3D
Amelita Mauze - 2.88 & Julie Zacher - 2.94 0 - 1
Amelita Mauze - 2.88 & Scotty Macdaniel - 2.76 0 - 1
Amelita Mauze - 2.88 & Avril Byrne - 3.00 1 - 0
Julie Zacher - 2.94 & Suzie Bacon - 2.94 0 - 1
Julie Zacher - 2.94 & Avril Byrne - 3.00 1 - 0
Ceci Goldstone - 2.71 2 - 2 2 - 1
Kasey Oden - 2.77 & Scotty Macdaniel - 2.76 1 - 0 0 - 1
Kasey Oden - 2.77 & Suzie Bacon - 2.94 0 - 1 2 - 0 1 - 0
Erin Spalten - 2.79 & Dawn Gorman - 2.23 1 - 0
Erin Spalten - 2.79 & Scotty Macdaniel - 2.76 1 - 0
Erin Spalten - 2.79 & Clare Duffin - 2.79 1 - 0
Catherine Hornberger - 2.82 1 - 0 0 - 1
Dawn Gorman - 2.23 & Suzie Bacon - 2.94 1 - 0
Dawn Gorman - 2.23 & Annabelle Thaddeus - 3.20 0 - 1
Scotty Macdaniel - 2.76 & Suzie Bacon - 2.94 1 - 0
Scotty Macdaniel - 2.76 & Kristal Taber - 2.85 0 - 1
Victoria Spielhagen - 2.71 & Kristal Taber - 2.85 1 - 0
Victoria Spielhagen - 2.71 2 - 1
Sarah Owens - 2.41 & Suzie Bacon - 2.94 2 - 0
Sarah Owens - 2.41 & Avril Byrne - 3.00 1 - 0
Sarah Owens - 2.41 & Kristal Taber - 2.85 1 - 0
Whitney Ormond - 3.22 5 - 0 1 - 0
Avril Byrne - 3.00 & Clare Duffin - 2.79 0 - 1
Kristal Taber - 2.85 & Clare Duffin - 2.79 1 - 0
Clare Duffin - 2.79 1 - 0
Laura Johnson - 2.67 & Ceci Goldstone - 2.71 1 - 0
Laura Johnson - 2.67 & Dawn Gorman - 2.23 1 - 0
Laura Johnson - 2.67 & Victoria Spielhagen - 2.71 1 - 0
Laura Wallace - 2.91 & Annabelle Thaddeus - 3.20 1 - 0
Blossom ACES
League Record: 4 - 5
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Rhonda Jackson - 2.87
Jeanine Acquart - 2.87
Helen McGowan - 2.84
Jamie Collins - 2.81
Michelle Merwarth - 2.76
Kelly Outlaw - 2.76
Dolores Arellano - 2.73
Lucy Leo - 2.67
Michelle McNatt - 2.54
Mary Druck - 2.53
Madelyn Duffey - 2.42
Mary Barad - 2.14
Maria Gonzalez - n/a
League Results By Position
1S 2S 1D 2D 3D
Michelle McNatt - 2.54 & Mary Druck - 2.53 1 - 0 1 - 1
Michelle McNatt - 2.54 & Jamie Collins - 2.81 1 - 0
Michelle McNatt - 2.54 & Mary Barad - 2.14 0 - 1
Michelle McNatt - 2.54 & Madelyn Duffey - 2.42 0 - 1
Dolores Arellano - 2.73 & Michelle McNatt - 2.54 0 - 1
Dolores Arellano - 2.73 & Kelly Outlaw - 2.76 0 - 1
Dolores Arellano - 2.73 & Helen McGowan - 2.84 1 - 0
Dolores Arellano - 2.73 & Rhonda Jackson - 2.87 1 - 0 1 - 0
Mary Druck - 2.53 & Helen McGowan - 2.84 0 - 1
Mary Druck - 2.53 & Jamie Collins - 2.81 0 - 1
Jeanine Acquart - 2.87 5 - 4
Kelly Outlaw - 2.76 & Lucy Leo - 2.67 1 - 0
Kelly Outlaw - 2.76 & Michelle Merwarth - 2.76 0 - 1 1 - 0
Lucy Leo - 2.67 & Helen McGowan - 2.84 1 - 0
Lucy Leo - 2.67 & Rhonda Jackson - 2.87 0 - 1 1 - 0
Helen McGowan - 2.84 & Mary Barad - 2.14 0 - 1
Maria Gonzalez - n/a & Rhonda Jackson - 2.87 0 - 1
Rhonda Jackson - 2.87 & Mary Barad - 2.14 0 - 1
Michelle Merwarth - 2.76 5 - 2
Mary Barad - 2.14 & Madelyn Duffey - 2.42 1 - 1
Madelyn Duffey - 2.42 0 - 1
Blossom Rally Girls
League Record: 0 - 11
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Kathy Hogan - 2.66
Annette Armstrong - 2.60
Gina Jones - 2.58
Nancy Hauck - 2.57
Melanie Hutzler - 2.49
Helen Schwartz - 2.45
Danna Halff - 2.35
Brooke Robertson - 2.35
Victoria Moreno - 2.34
Myrtha Horton - 2.33
Judy Rinozzi - 2.31
Susana Trevino - 2.24
League Results By Position
1S 2S 1D 2D 3D
Judy Rinozzi - 2.31 & Susana Trevino - 2.24 0 - 1
Judy Rinozzi - 2.31 & JAN SANGIULIANO - 2.46 0 - 1
Judy Rinozzi - 2.31 & Nancy Hauck - 2.57 1 - 1
Judy Rinozzi - 2.31 & Brooke Robertson - 2.35 0 - 1
Judy Rinozzi - 2.31 & Myrtha Horton - 2.33 0 - 1
Susana Trevino - 2.24 & Annette Armstrong - 2.60 0 - 1
Susana Trevino - 2.24 & Helen Schwartz - 2.45 0 - 1
Susana Trevino - 2.24 & Gina Jones - 2.58 0 - 1
Susana Trevino - 2.24 & Myrtha Horton - 2.33 0 - 2 0 - 1
JAN SANGIULIANO - 2.46 & Nancy Hauck - 2.57 0 - 1
JAN SANGIULIANO - 2.46 & Annette Armstrong - 2.60 0 - 2
JAN SANGIULIANO - 2.46 & Helen Schwartz - 2.45 0 - 2
JAN SANGIULIANO - 2.46 & Gina Jones - 2.58 0 - 1
JAN SANGIULIANO - 2.46 0 - 2 0 - 1
Nancy Hauck - 2.57 & Danna Halff - 2.35 0 - 1
Nancy Hauck - 2.57 & Gina Jones - 2.58 1 - 0
Kathy Hogan - 2.66 & Annette Armstrong - 2.60 1 - 1
Kathy Hogan - 2.66 1 - 2
Annette Armstrong - 2.60 & Helen Schwartz - 2.45 0 - 2
Melanie Hutzler - 2.49 & Helen Schwartz - 2.45 0 - 1 0 - 1
Melanie Hutzler - 2.49 & Gina Jones - 2.58 0 - 1
Helen Schwartz - 2.45 & Gina Jones - 2.58 0 - 1
Brooke Robertson - 2.35 0 - 4 0 - 1
Victoria Moreno - 2.34 0 - 2
Danna Halff - 2.35 0 - 6
Gina Jones - 2.58 0 - 2
Myrtha Horton - 2.33 & Nancy Hauck - 2.57 1 - 0
Myrtha Horton - 2.33 & Helen Schwartz - 2.45 0 - 2
Myrtha Horton - 2.33 & Brooke Robertson - 2.35 1 - 0
Fair Oaks Fairly Extra
League Record: 7 - 3
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Sarah Faulkenberry - 3.05
Debra Gonzalez - 2.97
Jordan Waldrip - 2.93
Amy Hall - 2.92
Lindsay Hemmer - 2.91
Christa Maxwell - 2.85
Elisa Caudill - 2.83
Courtney Garcia - 2.72
Lisa Alley - 2.70
Melissa Crank - 2.67
Debra Thomas - 2.66
Jackie Peck - 2.65
Lindsey Musch - 2.64
Cynthia Shafer - 2.63
Sheila Cruz - 2.56
stacey harper - 2.52
Julia Armstrong - 2.51
Ruth Pina - 2.47
League Results By Position
1S 2S 1D 2D 3D
Cynthia Shafer - 2.63 & Christa Maxwell - 2.85 1 - 0
Cynthia Shafer - 2.63 & Lindsey Musch - 2.64 0 - 1
Cynthia Shafer - 2.63 & Lindsay Hemmer - 2.91 1 - 0 0 - 1
Elisa Caudill - 2.83 & Melissa Crank - 2.67 0 - 1
Ruth Pina - 2.47 & Sheila Cruz - 2.56 0 - 1
Ruth Pina - 2.47 & Jackie Peck - 2.65 1 - 0
Ruth Pina - 2.47 & Lindsay Hemmer - 2.91 1 - 0
Debra Gonzalez - 2.97 & Courtney Garcia - 2.72 0 - 1 1 - 0
Debra Thomas - 2.66 & Courtney Garcia - 2.72 1 - 0
Debra Thomas - 2.66 & Christa Maxwell - 2.85 1 - 0
Debra Thomas - 2.66 & Lindsay Hemmer - 2.91 0 - 1
Courtney Garcia - 2.72 & Sarah Faulkenberry - 3.05 0 - 1
Melissa Crank - 2.67 & Lisa Alley - 2.70 0 - 1
Melissa Crank - 2.67 & Sheila Cruz - 2.56 1 - 0
Melissa Crank - 2.67 & Amy Hall - 2.92 1 - 0
Melissa Crank - 2.67 2 - 2
stacey harper - 2.52 & Sheila Cruz - 2.56 1 - 1 1 - 0 1 - 0
Lisa Alley - 2.70 & Jackie Peck - 2.65 1 - 0
Lisa Alley - 2.70 & Lindsay Hemmer - 2.91 1 - 0
Sheila Cruz - 2.56 & Julia Armstrong - 2.51 0 - 1
Sheila Cruz - 2.56 & Jackie Peck - 2.65 1 - 0
Jordan Waldrip - 2.93 1 - 1
Julia Armstrong - 2.51 & Jackie Peck - 2.65 1 - 0
Julia Armstrong - 2.51 2 - 3
Lindsey Musch - 2.64 & Lindsay Hemmer - 2.91 1 - 1
Amy Hall - 2.92 2 - 2 1 - 1
Jackie Peck - 2.65 0 - 2
Fair Oaks All FOR Tennis
League Record: 3 - 7
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Racheal Weisensee - 2.92
Carrie Ervin - 2.76
Shandria Seybold - 2.73
Erin Clarkson - 2.72
Darcy Moore - 2.59
Jessica Wilson - 2.51
Laurie Winters - 2.44
Carrie Parnaby - 2.42
Saralyn Wolf - 2.41
Kim Seminsky - 2.39
Misty Moy - 2.31
Rachael Paulson - 2.29
Lisa Allen - 2.23
League Results By Position
1S 2S 1D 2D 3D
Darcy Moore - 2.59 & Misty Moy - 2.31 1 - 0
Darcy Moore - 2.59 & Jessica Wilson - 2.51 1 - 0
Darcy Moore - 2.59 0 - 1
Lisa Allen - 2.23 & Carrie Parnaby - 2.42 0 - 1
Lisa Allen - 2.23 & Jessica Wilson - 2.51 0 - 1
Racheal Weisensee - 2.92 & Misty Moy - 2.31 0 - 1
Racheal Weisensee - 2.92 & Shandria Seybold - 2.73 1 - 0 3 - 0
Racheal Weisensee - 2.92 & Saralyn Wolf - 2.41 0 - 1
Racheal Weisensee - 2.92 & Carrie Ervin - 2.76 1 - 0
Erin Clarkson - 2.72 & Misty Moy - 2.31 0 - 1
Erin Clarkson - 2.72 1 - 1 2 - 1
Misty Moy - 2.31 & Shandria Seybold - 2.73 1 - 0
Misty Moy - 2.31 & Jessica Wilson - 2.51 0 - 1 0 - 1
Misty Moy - 2.31 & Carrie Ervin - 2.76 0 - 1
Shandria Seybold - 2.73 & Carrie Ervin - 2.76 0 - 1
Shandria Seybold - 2.73 1 - 0 2 - 0
Carrie Parnaby - 2.42 & Kim Seminsky - 2.39 1 - 1 0 - 1
Jessica Wilson - 2.51 & Kim Seminsky - 2.39 0 - 1
Jessica Wilson - 2.51 & Carrie Ervin - 2.76 0 - 1
Kim Seminsky - 2.39 & Laurie Winters - 2.44 0 - 1 0 - 1
Kim Seminsky - 2.39 & Rachael Paulson - 2.29 0 - 1
Saralyn Wolf - 2.41 0 - 1 1 - 0
Laurie Winters - 2.44 & Rachael Paulson - 2.29 0 - 1
Carrie Ervin - 2.76 1 - 3
Dominion Dolls
League Record: 11 - 0
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Darby Stein - 3.21
Melba Trevino - 3.16
LeeAnn Penelope Ayarzagoitia - 3.09
Abril Barrera - 3.07
Celeste Hayes - 2.85
Louceyette New - 2.83
Alina White - 2.82
Carmen Ahmed - 2.76
Melinda MacKinnon - 2.75
Kim Pataky - 2.70
Rosalina Volk - 2.64
Melissa Casey - 2.58
Crystal Huc - 2.39
Evita Castro - 2.36
Cari Traylor - 2.35
League Results By Position
1S 2S 1D 2D 3D
Kim Pataky - 2.70 & Melinda MacKinnon - 2.75 1 - 0
Kim Pataky - 2.70 & Crystal Huc - 2.39 0 - 1
Melinda MacKinnon - 2.75 & Melissa Casey - 2.58 1 - 1
Melinda MacKinnon - 2.75 & Alina White - 2.82 2 - 0
Melinda MacKinnon - 2.75 & Rosalina Volk - 2.64 1 - 0
Melinda MacKinnon - 2.75 & Cari Traylor - 2.35 1 - 0
Celeste Hayes - 2.85 & Alina White - 2.82 1 - 1
Celeste Hayes - 2.85 & Darby Stein - 3.21 1 - 0
Melissa Casey - 2.58 & Carmen Ahmed - 2.76 0 - 1
Alina White - 2.82 & LeeAnn Penelope Ayarzagoitia - 3.09 2 - 0
Alina White - 2.82 & Darby Stein - 3.21 3 - 0
Rosalina Volk - 2.64 & Crystal Huc - 2.39 2 - 1
Rosalina Volk - 2.64 & Evita Castro - 2.36 0 - 1
LeeAnn Penelope Ayarzagoitia - 3.09 1 - 0 7 - 1
Abril Barrera - 3.07 7 - 1
Darby Stein - 3.21 & Cari Traylor - 2.35 1 - 0
Darby Stein - 3.21 1 - 0
Cari Traylor - 2.35 & Crystal Huc - 2.39 0 - 1
Cari Traylor - 2.35 & Evita Castro - 2.36 1 - 1
Melba Trevino - 3.16 1 - 1 1 - 0
Louceyette New - 2.83 & Celeste Hayes - 2.85 1 - 0
Louceyette New - 2.83 & Alina White - 2.82 0 - 1 1 - 0
Louceyette New - 2.83 & Carmen Ahmed - 2.76 0 - 1